Lunes, Pebrero 13, 2012


He was my friend, faithful, and just to me; But Brutus says, he was ambitious, And Brutus is an honorable man.”Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

In what apparently is in pursuit of her education agenda, Congresswoman Janette Garin facilitated the construction of several multi-purpose gyms within the premises of several public schools including Miagao Central Elementary School. Implemented by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), the structure, once completed,is intended to be used for school programs and activities, physical education classes and waiting area for parents. From the get-go, the project was apparently very much supported by the teachers, the students and their parents, its completion eagerly anticipated in time for this year’s graduation exercises. All of a sudden, the Building Official of Miagao issued a Cease and Desist Order (CDO) against the DPWH. A sort of pediatric coitus interruptus if I may say. Killjoy.

Enter Brutus, err… Gerry Flores. Last February 3, 2012 during an interview in Aksyon Radyo Board Member Gerardo Flores admitted to being the mastermind behind the non-issuance of building permit for the ongoing gymnasium in Miagao East Central Elementary School. Read: Gerry Flores grabbed the Building Official by the balls and had him sign the CDO. That should hurt; especially to the teachers, students and parents – stakeholders all. Never mind the Building Official: he has no balls.

We are also reminded of the Garin-Flores turf war: once Garin takes care of the turf, Flores goes to war. For countless of times, Miagao turned out to be an ex-future recipient of government projects because Gerry Flores deems it honorable for Miagao NOT to accept the projects. If not for a few but hardy and courageous Punong Barangays of the Municipality, Miagao would have gotten a big fat egg as regards these development projects. These true Honorables had the guts to stand up against Gerry Flores and accept projects initiated by Congresswoman Janette Garin. “In your face, Gerry Flores;you can shove it up yours”, they seem to say.

Yet, this is a sad reality. These acts of courage are few and far apart. At any given day, the white eggs would always outnumber the hard balls.And so; Gerry Flores goes on with his “honorable” ways. Idiotic. If Gerry Flores is in pursuit of his own greatness, he badly needs a moral compass. He should take cue from Duc De La Rochefoucauld:  “Great men's honor ought always to be measured by the methods they made use of in attaining it.”

And so, it can be said: Congresswoman Garin is my friend, faithful, and just to me; But Gerry Flores says she is ambitious, And Gerry Flores is an honorable man – with an “honorably” disoriented moral compass.