Miyerkules, Disyembre 28, 2011

Education and Politics

Just a few days ago, Board Member Gerardo Flores of the First District of Iloilo gave a speech in one of the Christmas programs in one barangay in the Municipality of Miagao. As usual, he gave a lengthy speech on how it is not all about politics nor is it a campaign. He stressed that education should not be mixed with politics. He said that education, scholarships, etc should not be put in the hands of politicians who would decide on who they want to admit in such. Well anyway, after ranting about it, he announced that he would be starting a project in which he would give FREE master's education to those who are willing. ............. So much for not mixing education and politics. One more thing, this kind of project needs money and a whole lot of other resources which he will get where?? Not to mention that an Ordinance should be made to this effect first unless he plans to make it all private, meaning, he'll fund all of it himself. And since he is a provincial lawmaker, this is really not exactly his concern unless he's with the municipal government. But one cannot help but think that this is some sort of a campaign speech with a proposed project-in-case-i-win thing.

Election time is still a long way to go. This "plan" also needs a lot of planning, not to mention all the legalities it has to go through to make it valid. It is a reckless announcement I think. It may not even be realized just like all the other previous promises. People of Miagao have long since realized this. The promises all sound so good, too good even but rarely come true. All because of lack of planning, premeditation and management or they may all be just some sort of marketing strategy for politics. The people are not stupid. As a matter of fact, a number of people went out and went home when this speech of Board Flores was going on. They were tired of it all. They all want change. We all want change. You need more than promises to make people trust you or believe in you...

Martes, Disyembre 27, 2011

This kind of situation have been going on for years. The executive department of the local government in Miagao have been called upon years ago to take action regarding this matter. However, it seems that no action has been done yet. Sad but true...

Lunes, Disyembre 26, 2011


Need I say more?

so much for keeping cool


If you don't have anything to say, don't be so defensive Board Member Flores. Read the article and see for yourself.

Business Permits

I've been hearing about this a lot. Seems like you can't have a legitimate business in the TOWN MARKET if you don't kiss asses.

Ever heard of the little mayor? Yup. Seems like she's running the show in the market. Why little mayor? Because you have to go through her first. Every vendor knows her and every vendor tries to please her so they can stay in their positions and continue their business in the market. Sometimes though, you'll realize you haven't pleased her as much as others did. You would just be kicked out of your place because "it's not allowed to sell there." Then suddenly, someone else would be selling in your place. Not allowed huh..

How did she get so popular anyway? And how did she end up running things? Well.......it wouldn't be surprising to know that she was the mayor's secretary so yeah, she gets orders from them. Not to mention having a relationship with their driver too. Sounds like a sleazy piece of gossip...but it's true. =P

If you have ever been around the Miagao Public Market, you would see empty stalls and empty rooms. Why is this so? You would see stores outside the Market when there are still many empty spaces IN the market where attracting customers would be a lot easier. High rental fee, the obligation to VOTE for the ones they tell you to, the "little mayor" and other things are reasons for this. In the end, it also affects the business economy of the town. It's just not business friendly..

Political Heirarchy

If you are from Iloilo, you probably know Miagao. You also probably know the political clan who run the town. Just taking their time running the town..one after the other.. It wouldn't be so bad if actual improvements actually occur. People wouldn't clamor for better things if they have seen better changes. Unfortunately, they don't. Political hierarchies can work to make good changes. Seems like some use it, however, for their own benefits only.

A lot of talk has been going around. People are tired of the same old nonsense, same old pointless promises of change and improvement and same old oppression that is not only affecting their lives but the economy of the town as a whole. When will this end? This political hierarchy. 

People voted for you...as a public servant...YOU owe them. You don't go around acting all mighty and superior, as if you're better than everyone else because of you're so-called achievements (check this out http://miagao.tripod.com/gnf/gnf-bio.htm). So you have been through all this. Why not use what you know to help the people? To make the place you live in a much better place.

Early morning jogs. Can't you see how the roads are? Can't you see how they need to be repaired at least? And why carry guards while jogging? Do you fear so much for your life? Or is it because you know you have done many people wrong that they would actually try to kill you? If the people love you, you have nothing to fear. So why all the guards? Maybe you know the people don't even LIKE you so you're not confident in exercising alone...

People look up to you, but it doesn't mean you have to LOOK DOWN to them. You're probably one of the most unapproachable people around. Like i said, people voted for you. They put you in position because they thought you can do them good (or maybe there weren't any other choice...which is more likely the case). You owe it to the people. Unfortunately, you're thicker than any wall. YOU JUST DON'T GET IT.


Politics is a process by which people make collective decisions or is the process of running governmental or state affairs. Sounds great right but that's just how wikepedia defines it.

Have you ever been to this town called Miagao? It's a small town in the province of Iloilo where a world heritage church  is found. Unfortunately, that's just the best part about the town. The rest.....not so good..unfinished roads...unfinished market (not to mention the expensive rate...i'll dwell on it later)...business permits for a price...public service (what public service??)...same old boring plaza...and many other things. Makes you think, "Where the hell did the taxes go?"
Well, where did it really go?

Like everything else, if not well taken cared of, a town will slowly but surely collapse. Miagao had been a promising town, with the people and resources it has. However, these have not been utilized to their full potential. Just as the surrounding towns have started to get livelier, better and more improved, the town of Miagao has become duller and less than it was before. But why? When all this time, people are willing to help. They have resources. Well, it all boils down to one thing. Leadership. or at least management.

All this time, Miagao has been run by the same political hierarchy who, unfortunately haven't done much to make them worthy of the people's votes. When people look up to you to make the decisions that would affect  their lives, then you have to do it the best way you can. Is this already their best?

This blog was created for those who are tired of the same things over and over again...for those who want change, good change, but just can't seem to get them...and for those who just want to share their thoughts and suggestions.