Lunes, Disyembre 26, 2011


Politics is a process by which people make collective decisions or is the process of running governmental or state affairs. Sounds great right but that's just how wikepedia defines it.

Have you ever been to this town called Miagao? It's a small town in the province of Iloilo where a world heritage church  is found. Unfortunately, that's just the best part about the town. The rest.....not so good..unfinished roads...unfinished market (not to mention the expensive rate...i'll dwell on it later) permits for a price...public service (what public service??)...same old boring plaza...and many other things. Makes you think, "Where the hell did the taxes go?"
Well, where did it really go?

Like everything else, if not well taken cared of, a town will slowly but surely collapse. Miagao had been a promising town, with the people and resources it has. However, these have not been utilized to their full potential. Just as the surrounding towns have started to get livelier, better and more improved, the town of Miagao has become duller and less than it was before. But why? When all this time, people are willing to help. They have resources. Well, it all boils down to one thing. Leadership. or at least management.

All this time, Miagao has been run by the same political hierarchy who, unfortunately haven't done much to make them worthy of the people's votes. When people look up to you to make the decisions that would affect  their lives, then you have to do it the best way you can. Is this already their best?

This blog was created for those who are tired of the same things over and over again...for those who want change, good change, but just can't seem to get them...and for those who just want to share their thoughts and suggestions.

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