Lunes, Enero 9, 2012

Miagao joins Kasadyahan 2012: The People's Sacrifice.

Miagao joins Kasadyahan 2012..Question is, can they do it?
Kasadyahan Festival is celebrated the day before the main event during the Dinagyang Festival. It's colorful, fun and exciting that's why many tourists visit Iloilo just for this.

This year, the town of Miagao (under the leadership of the Mayor Juliet Flores in collaboration with her husband, Board Member Gerry Flores, who are  now getting more and more oppositions) decided to join the Kasadyahan Festival.

The parents have been clamoring since the start. Their children have been missing most classes for practice. Not to mention spending the nights outside their homes, still for practice. According to parents, they were even the ones to buy the needed sweatshirts for their children. Even the food is not provided by the so-called organizers. All that is given to them are multivitamins. These are not enough to cover up for the strenuous practice the children are having. Their education and their health are suffering. All for the misguided idea of tourism of the Local Executive.

A celebration this big needs a lot of money. They would need costumes, practice , trainers, food for practices, managers and a whole lot more. Where would the local government get the fund for all this? Well, the organizers found a get funds from "donations" from the townspeople and the barangays! These people are now "donating" to make the plan possible. Question: How is it that for the longest time, there has always been failure on their part to make good decisions? 

Come to think of it, the town itself is starting to look dilapidated and worn out. What with the lack of improvements and progress. The Local Government of Miagao is making plans and spending money to make the town look good for others without realizing and making the town look and feel good for those living on it...aside from themselves of course. WHY CAN'T THE LOCAL EXECUTIVE SEE WHAT THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN REALLY NEEDS???  And to think that husband and wife have been the only ones "leading" the town for as far as even I can remember. Since forever, I can barely see remarkable changes. And look! They are planning to squander a lot of money for some festival that would result to what?? Even if they win, the prize money would be enough only to cover a small part of all the expenses. Seriously. This is a very bad investment. Looking at the town, the Local Executive have been making some really bad investments for a long time.

If these are for marketing our Tourism Industry, there are a lot of surefire ways to improve tourism. Basic requirements like an improvement of the Plaza, Parking Spaces and basic and useful ammenities. NOT making the people especially the children and students do all the hard work and sacrifices for lack efficient decision-making of those in power.

This is wrong and people have been clamoring, although apparently, nobody hears them. People are tired of "SPONSORING" events wherein still the town still looks the same. No improvements at all. There are a lot of question regarding this grandiose idea of Mayor Flores, her husband and of course supporters: Will it make the town better? Is all the sacrifice worth it? Will it make the people proud? Are we ready?...

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